4 Benefits of Lab Pack Disposal for Universities


Are the labs on your campus practicing safe disposal of used chemicals and other remnants from testing and experimentation? Research is even more valuable when it occurs in a safe and secure workspace. Therefore, properly managing hazardous waste is a best practice. But what is the best way to handle materials and substances left behind by spills, expired medication, contaminated equipment, and similar dangers? Lab pack disposal is the answer. Here are the four benefits of lab pack disposal for universities.

Understanding Lab Packing

So, what is lab packing? Essentially, lab packing is the fastidious method of removing hazardous chemicals from labs. It involves properly identifying substances, segregating reactive chemicals, and packing all substances up before their eventual transportation to and disposal at another site.

Lab packing is extra thorough to ensure dangerous, damaged, or expired substances are handled safely according to the law and industry standards. Now that you know what lab packing is, here’s how it can benefit you and your campus.

Greater Safety

Safety should always be the watchword everywhere, but especially in laboratories and other such locations on a university campus. Lab packing upholds safety for people inside and outside of the lab. It reduces the possibility of accidents, prevents spills that can lead to greater dangers, and protects students, faculty, and other staff from exposure. This also reduces the likelihood of insurance claims and other financial issues.

Regulatory Compliance

Every lab in every university has its own set of safety rules. Likewise, the campus at large establishes its own regulations while adhering to the laws of the community, region, and country. Lab packing ensures absolute compliance with laws and rules at every level, as it is performed by trained technicians who understand the need for such laws. Universities that employ lab packing ensure compliance, protecting against fines, lawsuits, and more.

Better Waste Management

Your university already has a waste management system in place for standard trash. However, hazardous waste disposal is a bit trickier. Lab packing beautifully handles every step of the hazardous waste handling process, from inventory and segregation to transportation and destruction or disposal. With the help of a professional disposal company, lab managers and campus maintenance personnel can focus on more immediate daily responsibilities.

Environmental Protection

Hazardous waste is dangerous to people, and it can also affect the planet. Lab packing is an eco-conscious method of removing and sequestering waste away from the environment. The process reduces—if not completely removes—the impact of hazardous waste on plant and animal life, the water supply, soil purity, and more.

Those are just four benefits of lab pack disposal for universities. Looking for waste disposal experts who can help you with hazardous lab waste and more? Contact Clean Management Environmental Group for a consultation!

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