4 Common E-Waste Disposal Methods To Know


E-waste, or electronic waste, is just what it sounds like. It is refuse resulting from the disposal of electrical and electronic devices. While there isn’t a single type of e-waste, most e-waste shares several materials that make it unsuitable for disposal in a landfill. E-waste can contain poisonous substances like cadmium, lead, mercury, and other hazardous elements. Those materials could leach into the surrounding soil and underground water supply if they were to end up in a landfill, causing environmental havoc. As a result, alternate methods of e-waste disposal have been created. Here are four common e-waste disposal methods to know. Keep them in mind before you toss that old electronic device into the trash.


Recycling is always the best option for most types of trash, especially e-waste. We can reuse most of the materials in e-waste, even the hazardous ones. Some e-waste materials are valuable, such as silver, copper, gold, and aluminum. Recycling e-waste puts less of a strain on the environment and natural resources and lowers our demand for them, which is a greener approach to business overall. Recycling is probably the easiest way to get rid of e-waste, and most communities offer recycling and e-waste collection programs. Make inquiries about these programs before you chuck that laptop into the trash.


Don’t just throw your malfunctioning or unused electronic device away. You may no longer have a use for it, but someone out there probably does. Schools, nonprofits, and even developing countries are looking for electronic devices that still operate or require minimal repair. Assorted charitable associations already have e-device reassignment programs in place, and many offer free pick-up.

Sell It

As the saying goes, “One person’s trash is someone else’s treasure.” Post a for-sale announcement on social media, auction sites, or an online store. You’ll get cash back, someone out there will get a great deal, and everyone will keep the “trash” out of the landfill.

Manufacturer Buy-Back or Take-Back

Check with the device’s manufacturer. They may have a program in place where they accept old devices in exchange for money or a discount on a new appliance. The manufacturer may either recycle or re-use the device or give it to an institution that can use it, but generally, they ensure the e-waste doesn’t enter the ecosystem.

Those are just four common e-waste disposal methods to know. Contact us for a consultation if you have further questions about recycling e-waste or otherwise arranging for hazardous waste disposal in San Antonio or elsewhere!

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