The Secret to Changing Your Relationship with Food


Anyone who knows me well knows that I battled with food and my body for years.

I struggled with bulimia for over a decade, starting when I was twelve. My eating disorder was in many ways a coping mechanism in response to trauma, but early programming around food didn’t help.

I ate to soothe myself. I ate to stuff down my feelings. And as a bulimic, I ate to feel the control I felt when I was able to reverse the process of consumption.

Though I technically recovered in my early twenties, I spent many years after that sticking to only “good” foods—which, ironically, included foods that were highly processed and/or loaded with sugar because “good,” to me, meant low- or no-fat.

I found it hard to enjoy food until my mid-thirties because my diet was so restrictive and my fear around eating “bad” foods was so intense.

Now that I have a much healthier relationship with eating—and I see how profoundly this has affected my self-esteem and quality of life—I have a deep appreciation for those who help people find peace with food and their bodies.

That’s why I’m thrilled to introduce you to Jules Clancy’s work today (if you’re not already familiar).

She was one of the site’s earliest contributors close to fourteen years ago now, which makes it extra exciting to have her as a site sponsor this month.

She’s also a former food scientist turned health coach who has struggled with binge eating herself—so she not only understands what our bodies need to thrive; she gets the emotional struggle that compels so many of us to overeat.

If you’ve struggled with bingeing and restricting—and gaining and losing weight—I have a feeling you’ll appreciate her free webinar, The Secret to Changing Your Relationship with Food.

Or in full: The Secret to Changing Your Relationship with Food so you feel peace around food and weight and your clothes fit again for the long term (even if your self-belief is low after trying and failing so many times).

It’s short—just under a half-hour—but it’s also highly actionable. Though Jules also offers a paid program, the webinar itself could be the perfect jumpstart to healthier, more enjoyable eating.

I was pleased to recognize that I already do a lot of what she recommends (and, in fact, I credit this approach to eating with saving my sanity and quite possibly my life). But I noticed some areas for improvement and appreciated the opportunity to reflect on the changes I might want to make to bring even more intention and pleasure to my diet.

If you love food but don’t love your current habits or your body, I highly recommend you sign up for this free training.

Jules’ authenticity, relatability, and expertise make her the perfect guide for anyone who wants to boost their health and feel good in their skin without sacrificing the pleasure of eating.

If you’d like to get instant access to the free training, you can sign up here.

I hope it’s helpful to you!

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