A 5-Minute Meditation to Focus With Ease


Let go of the tension that often arises when we try too hard.

The mantra or reminder for today is Unclench the mind. Striving may feel productive, but we are more effective when we focus with ease, pursuing our goals with a relaxed presence. 

When we let go of our attachment to possessions and opinions and expectations, it can help us become more effective by fostering a relaxed presence. Unclench that mental fist and release all distractions and striving, so you can focus with ease. 

Guided Meditation: Focus With Ease

  1. Begin by returning to your body sitting here. Inhale and tighten your hands into fists. Tighter, tighter… and as you exhale, release the fists intentionally and relax tension in the mind and body. Return to an upright and easeful posture.
  2. Repeat this a couple of times until you feel like you release the tension you’re holding on to, that you don’t need to hold on to in your mind and body. So inhaling. Tightening your hands into fists. And exhaling slowly, intentionally releasing any tension. 
  3. As you do this, you can even visualize the unclench of that fist in your mind. Exhale with a sighing sound, if it’s helpful. Soften as you exhale and release that fist. 
  4. Soften any tense muscles: in your face, your forehead, your shoulders, anywhere else in your body where you hold tension. 
  5. Invite that spacious presence as you listen within. Are you holding on to anything that’s preventing you from being present with ease? Notice if you need more clarity or need to widen the angle of your lens to see what’s getting in the way of your ability to focus.
  6. Remember what’s most important to you. What steps can you take to address the causes for your distractions and unease? Take another deep breath in, and exhale. 
  7. When you’re ready, end this practice and carry forward this relaxed focus into your next project or activity. 

You can return to this reminder to unclench the mind whenever you feel restless, like before going to sleep or making an important decision, or even in taking breaks in between work that involves a lot of mental energy

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