A Powerful Blueprint To Help Every Student Thrive


In this episode of the 10-Minute Teacher Podcast, internationally recognized educator Mike Mattos shares practical strategies for implementing RTI (Response to Intervention) and MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) effectively.

Why RTI and MTSS Matter: Strategies to Support Every Learner with Mike Mattos, co creator of the RTI at Work framework.

Discover actionable tips to ensure every student thrives, avoid common mistakes, and build a framework for success in your school.

Episode Highlights about RTI and MTSS:

  • What Are RTI and MTSS? Mike Mattos explains their importance and purpose.
  • Avoiding Common Mistakes: Practical strategies to overcome typical challenges in implementation.
  • Supporting Every Learner: Insights on building a system that helps every student thrive.
  • Actionable Takeaways: Steps educators can take to bring RTI and MTSS into their schools effectively.

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    Mike Mattos – Bio as Submitted

    Mike Mattos co creator of the TRI at Work FrameworkMike Mattos co creator of the TRI at Work Framework
    Mike Mattos, co-creator of the RTI at Work™ Framework

    Mike Mattos is an internationally recognized author, presenter, and practitioner. He co-created the RTI at Work™ approach to systematic interventions. Mike is also a thought leader in professional learning communities (PLCs) and the PLC at Work® process, advancing the work of his mentors Richard DuFour and Robert Eaker.

    In 2024, the Global Gurus organization recognized him as one of the thirty most influential educational thought leaders in the world. Mike is proud of the twenty-three years he served on-site as a history teacher and, later, an administrator. He is former principal of Marjorie Veeh Elementary School and Pioneer Middle School in California. At both schools, he helped create Model PLCs, improving learning for all students.

    In 2004, Marjorie Veeh, an elementary school with a large population of youth at risk, won the California Distinguished School and National Title I Achieving School awards. A National Blue Ribbon School, Pioneer is among only thirteen schools in the United States that the GE Foundation selected as a Best-Practice Partner and is one of eight schools that Richard DuFour chose to feature in the video series The Power of Professional Learning Communities at Work: Bringing the Big Ideas to Life.

    Based on standardized test scores, Pioneer ranked among the top 1 percent of California secondary schools and, in 2009 and 2011, was named Orange County’s top middle school. For his leadership, Mike was named the Orange County Middle School Administrator of the Year by the Association of California School Administrators.

    Mike has coauthored many best-selling books focused on multitiered systems of supports (MTSS) and PLCs, including:

    To learn more about Mikes work, visit AllThingsPLC (https://allthingsplc.info) and www mikemattos.info, or follow him @mikemattos65 on X, formerly known as Twitter.

    Blog: mikemattos.info Twitter: @mikemattos65

    Help Every Student Thrive by understanding Response to Intervention (RTI) and MTSS Help Every Student Thrive by understanding Response to Intervention (RTI) and MTSS
    You can help every student thrive with TRI and MTSS frameworks as explained by cocreator Mike Mattos
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