Our latest annual report showcases some of the key successes International Alert and our partners had in 2023 and some of the challenges we faced.
Despite complex global, regional and national dynamics, our teams have continued to work in partnership with communities, civil society, the private sector and governments to contribute towards lasting peace in some of the world’s most complex conflict contexts.
Together with 112 partners, we implemented 59 projects in 24 countries and territories, supporting people in or at risk of conflict to prevent or end direct violence. These efforts aim to create the conditions for sustainable, peaceful coexistence and peaceful social change by addressing structural violence, underlying inequalities, injustice, or conflict between groups of people caused by established institutions or processes.
In this annual report, we look back at what we have achieved and how our work in 2023 contributed to achieving the goals set out in our 2019-2023 strategy. We also look ahead to the coming period and the implementation of our new strategy, Partners for Peace.
Our previous annual reports and accounts are available from the Charity Commission.