Combating Hunger & Poverty

A Catalyst for Community Empowerment – The Hunger Project

Maternal and child nutrition continues to stand as a critical determinant of health and development in communities worldwide. However, in many countries, including...

Soluciones africanas para los problemas africanos

“Somos muy pobres, pero cuando vimos llegar a todas estas personas con miedo en los ojos, olvidamos nuestra pobreza”. Así me lo expresó...

BOOK REVIEW: The Enduring Struggle: The History of the U.S. Agency for International Development and America’s Uneasy Transformation of the World

BOOK REVIEW:  The Enduring Struggle:  The History of the U.S. Agency for International Development and America’s Uneasy Transformation of the World,...

Thriving Mothers. Thriving World. – The Hunger Project

From food demontrations in local communities to national radio interviews, 2024 was a powerful year for World Hunger Day. This year, Hunger Project community...

