Protecting Animal Life

Why Clean Water is Vital for the Future of Our Oceans

As we navigate the challenges of the 21st century, the health of our oceans remains a critical concern. Oceans cover more than 70%...

Magnuson-Stevens Act Success Stories – Oceana USA

The Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA) is one of the strongest fishery conservation laws in the world. For nearly 50 years, the MSA has guided...

Get Loud for Trumpetfish

Did you know that scientists estimate there are trillions of fish alive in our ocean today? About 20,000 marine fish species are currently...

Catawba College and Waterkeeper Alliance Partner Again on Advocacy Boot Camp 2024

May 23, 2024 The Catawba College Center for the Environment-Waterkeeper Alliance Clean Water Advocacy Boot Camp recently concluded. This unique and immersive ten...

Reflecting on World Day of Social Justice – River Network

For me, the term social justice brings up a few concepts: fairness, equality, well-being, rights, opportunity, community. The United Nations notes, “social development...

