Classroom Deal of the Day: Buy 4 Books, Get 5th Free at Thriftbooks


You know just as well as we do that there is no such thing as “too many books,” particularly when it comes to having the right ones on hand for your classroom. And if you’re on a hunt for affordable books, we think taking the time to browse ThriftBooks is always worth it!

Through ThriftBooks 4 Teachers™, educators get a free used book (priced at $7 or below) after they’ve purchased four or more books.

One of the reasons we love ThriftBooks is for the sheer breadth of options available! Whether your goal is to gift a book to a teaching friend or kick your classroom management skills up a notch, we’re sure you’ll find what you’re looking for.

To get the promo code for this particular deal, all you have to do is sign-up for the ThriftBooks teacher’s program and apply it at checkout.

We’re curious—what else can we help you save on this month?

Email us at and we’ll try to include your suggestions in our deal roundups. Happy shopping!

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