Malnutrition and diarrhoeal diseases are spreading at an alarming rate
„The situation in Congo is dramatic: we are currently registering over one million refugees in the city of Goma alone“, says Christoph van Edig, Help’s Programme Coordinator for Congo. People are living in makeshift camps often lacking basic infrastructure. There is clearly not enough clean water and sanitary facilities, resulting in the spread of diarrhea disease, cholera and malnutrition. The organisations Help and action medeor are actively helping to prevent or contain diseases such as cholera with disinfectants, hygiene kits, diarrhoea medication and the construction of sanitary facilities.
Johanniter is also working in the camps providing mobile clinics to treat the injured and sick. „Our partner reports patients with serious injuries, mainly caused by gunfire and bombs“, says Anthonin Ngarukiye, Johanniter Head of Mission for Congo.
World Vision and CARE are focusing primarily on women and children. Around 1.1 million children under the age of five, and 605,000 pregnant and breastfeeding women are acutely malnourished. „The number of severely malnourished children under the age of five admitted to our centres has quadrupled since November 2023. In February, we recorded up to 10 new cases of children with severe acute malnutrition per day“, reports Florian Monnerie, Country Director of Action Against Hunger.
In addition, displaced women and girls are often exposed to the risk of gender-specific violence. ‘The trauma faced by vulnerable children and families requires action and greater support,’ reports David Munkley, Head of the World Vision office in Goma. World Vision and CARE are providing life-saving assistance, despite the ongoing fragility, violence and access challenges.