How To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint: 17 Eco-Living Tips


Most food travels an average of 1,500 miles to get to your plate. 

Eating seasonally usually means eating locally, both of which are better from health and environmental standpoints. Supporting local farmers through a farmer’s market, cooperative market, CSA, or food buying group also helps to support your local economy and the transition to more sustainable food systems. 

Or if you have the space and time, do what we’ve done and start producing your own food by starting a garden or raising some backyard chickens (or in our case, quail) for eggs. It doesn’t get more local than your own backyard, after all.

Opt for organic wherever possible. Fewer chemical inputs are not only better for health (ours and the planet’s), but it means reduced GHG emissions, too. Regenerative farming practices also help sequester soil carbon and can help to mitigate the effects of climate change. 

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