What three words can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking?
We get it! The back to school season is a whirlwind of emotions—a mix of savoring the last days of summer freedom while eagerly anticipating the return to structure, routines, and the students who bring our classrooms to life. For teachers, the summer goes fast and comes to a close when you start attending professional development workshops and getting those bulletin boards decorated!
That’s why we’ve designed our social-emotional learning (SEL) lesson plan, “What’s In a Name?” This lesson is perfect for the first week back, helping students break the ice and connect with one another through engaging partner and group activities, all while building a Padlet that celebrates their unique identities.
Whether you use this lesson plan as-is or reimagine it in your own style, we hope it helps you kick off the new school year with a strong sense of community and belonging!