As we all know, the annual stocking up on classroom supplies for back to school can be time-consuming and expensive! And once you find what you’re looking for, you want to make sure it’s sturdy enough to go the distance. Luckily, our friends at School Specialty have made it easy to find everything you’re looking for with a wide variety of high-quality classroom essentials. Take a look at our handpicked favorites!
Plus, you can get an exclusive 10% discount on Classroom Resources products from School Specialty with code WAT24.
1. Counters Kit
There are countless ways to use these counters in the classroom, from counting and sorting to patterns, colors, and games. And kids will love the different versions—dinosaurs, farm animals, insects, and more.
What teachers are saying: “My kindergarten students love working with these—wonderful for sorting, making patterns, and learning early math concepts.”
Buy it: Counters Kit

2. Number Line Strips
Visualizing is a powerful math strategy for students at all grade levels. These number lines provide a tangible and interactive reference point for learners to practice number recognition, sequencing, and understanding numerical relationships.
What teachers are saying: “Number lines are great for helping students visualize a variety of math concepts.”
Buy it: Number Line Strips

3. Base-Ten Class Set
This handy set is an essential math tool for teaching place value and base-ten concepts. The 733-piece set includes 500 units, 200 rods, 30 flats, and 3 cubes, enough materials for 20 to 25 students. This is a good one if you have some PTA funds!
What teachers are saying: “They’re a classic for a reason! This is an all-in-one solution for teaching place value.”
Buy it: Base-Ten Set

4. Math Graphic Organizers
When it comes to learning math, the more strategies kids learn, the better. These dry-erase graphic organizers will help your students organize their thinking and retain concepts better.
What teachers are saying: “Wipe-and-write is a game changer.”
Buy it: Math Graphic Organizer Set

5. Classroom Dice Set
Looking for a math manipulative that serves multiple purposes? This comprehensive set of dice will help students conquer concepts like place value, fractions, equivalence, and probability. Best of all, it comes in a sturdy, compact case.
What teachers are saying: “Such a great variety! You can use different dice for different math skills throughout the school year.”
Buy it: Classroom Dice Set

6. Money Kit
An essential resource for teaching money skills to your students! Filled with 976 pieces of realistic plastic coins and paper money, including Sacagawea dollars and half-dollars, this kit comes organized neatly in a sturdy plastic tray.
What teachers are saying: “This money kit is great for helping kids learn how to apply mathematical concepts that they’re learning in the classroom to everyday real-world experiences.”
Buy it: Money Kit, Set of 976

7. Classic Book Set
Put this amazing classic book set on your classroom wish list. This collection of 29 classics includes beloved favorites like Where the Wild Things Are, Caps for Sale, and A Baby Sister for Frances.
What teachers are saying: “Classic books that every child should read!”
Buy it: Classic Book Set, Grades 1-3

8. ELA Graphic Organizers
Graphic organizers are an excellent tool for teaching ELA concepts. This handy set of six includes Venn Diagram, Cause and Effect, Web of Details, and more. Perfect for small groups, they’re made of write-and-wipe material that can be used over and over.
What teachers are saying: “Fantastic for reinforcing skills! Can be used in all instructional settings, from small groups to centers.”
Buy it: ELA Graphic Organizer Set

9. Science of Reading Essentials Toolkit
Looking to transform your reading instruction to include SOR best practices? This toolkit is packed with manipulatives created to help teach phonics, fluency, and vocabulary.
What teachers are saying: “Tara West developed these, and all her resources are amazing! The kids are so interested with these fun additions to our small-group SOR lessons.”

10. ELA Popcorn Game
This fast-paced game makes learning sight words a snap! Also available: versions for learning letters and addition and subtraction.
What teachers are saying: “We use this all year in my kindergarten classroom and the kids love it! As we learn sight words, I put them into the game. It is a fun way to practice reading their sight words.”

11. Class Schedule Pocket Chart
What teacher could possibly get through their day without handy pocket charts? Dry-erase strips make it easy to change information, and the clock faces help students practice telling time.
What teachers are saying: “This schedule works great. As every teacher knows, schedules change, and this makes it very easy to write different subjects or events and change the times as needed.”

12. Double-Sided Desk Name Plates
An indispensable desktop resource for your students, these colorful nameplates come in a set of 36 and are made from durable, high-quality materials designed to last. Double-sided to provide options, they include the alphabet, a number line, a ruler, multiplication tables, and more!
What teachers are saying: “I love having two different options!”

13. Social Skills Games
One of the best ways to build community in your classroom is by teaching social-emotional skills. And what better way to learn than with board games? Dive into topics like empathy, friendship, manners, and more in a fun, non-threatening way with these six ready-made games.
What teachers are saying: “These games are fun and engaging, and you can modify them to meet your/the students’ needs.”
Buy it: Social Skills Board Games

14. U.S. Map Mats
Foster your students’ understanding of U.S. geography with these clever dry-erase mats. They’re great for multiple uses—learning state names and capitals, illustrating historical events, tracking political trends, and more.
What teachers are saying: “A great resource for cross-content learning.”
Buy it: U.S. Map Mats, Set of 10

15. Globe
This isn’t your average globe. It features more than 125 drawings of people, landmarks, and animals on a kid-friendly political map. Turn on the light to see a physical map showing hidden aquatic animals, shipwrecks, and Earth features such as tectonic plates and trench formations.
What teachers are saying: “My students love the augmented reality feature!”
Buy it: Replogle The New Globe 4 Kids