People We Admire: Character Strengths and SEL Activity


Who do you admire most, and why? What we admire most in others – whether they’re neighbors, leaders, or celebrities—is usually closely tied to their Signature Strengths.

This printable worksheet reflection is the perfect way for students to reflect on who they look up to, how it positively impacts them, and how that person’s strengths contribute to who they are. This is also a great activity to get families or colleagues to notice, describe, and appreciate Character Strengths in themselves and others.

What’s Inside

  • Printable worksheet
  • Step-by-Step Guide to Taking the VIA Character Strengths Survey, including
  • modification and accommodation options for students with disabilities
  • Guidance on implementing Character Strengths & Strength Spotting in the
  • classroom
  • Access to Strength Spotting lesson plans and a unit study

What is Strength Spotting?

Humans have a biological need to be seen and appreciated for who we are at our core—in other words, our Signature Strengths. Positive Psychology researchers Martin Seligman and Christopher Peterson created the Values in Action Survey or The VIA. This 96-item VIA survey identifies your capacity to exhibit each of the 24 Character Strengths. These 24 strengths were identified as being valued by humans across many cultures and holding value throughout history. 

Strength Spotting builds on the skill of Character Strengths, moving you from simply becoming aware of your strengths to exploring and applying them more intentionally. Strength Spotting is the skill of noticing, describing, and appreciating the Character Strengths in yourself and those around you. This skill encourages you to see people as an orchestra of strengths by shining the light on what is best with the people around you and in your community.

This practice not only benefits you — it also helps others, including students with autism, increase their capacity to put their strengths into action in beneficial ways. Let’s shine a light on what is right with us and those around us so we might all flourish together.

The Science of Strength Spotting

The evidence is clear — knowing and using your strengths positively impacts your life. If
you keep your strengths top of mind and live them each day, you’re significantly more

likely to thrive. People who know their strengths and utilize the practice of Strength
Spotting experience:

  • Enhanced overall wellbeing and life satisfaction
  • Greater happiness and less depression
  • Greater relationship satisfaction
  • Less stress and reduced anxiety
  • Higher levels of positive work experiences
  • Increased intrinsic motivation and engagement

Looking for more Strength Spotting resources?
Explore the free Strength Spotting Unit Study, which comes with teaching slides, additional worksheets and activities, and even IEP and BIP recommendations tailored specifically to students with autism.

About the Author

Proof Positive is a leading non-profit organization dedicated to improving the wellbeing of autistic people and their families, providers, and communities.

To learn more, visit their website or tune into episode 78 of Teaching Channel Talks!

The post People We Admire: Character Strengths and SEL Activity appeared first on Teaching Channel.

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