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Brazil: Children’s Personal Photos Misused to Power AI Tools

(São Paulo, Brazil) – The personal photos of Brazilian children are being used to create...

What It Feels Like and How to Treat

A scar is an area of skin that is permanently changed after a wound. Scars can form after a burn, surgery, an...

Positive Mental Time Travel for Students

By Stephanie Farley A lifelong sci-fi and fantasy fan, when I see the words...

No shortage of public money to pay for a just energy transition

Comment: As negotiations have begun to establish a new global climate finance goal, wealthy countries are once again trying to shirk their responsibilities...

Increasing coastal ecosystem biodiversity, carbon storage, and ecosystem services with low voltage electrical fields

TIME: 9 AM EST, 2 PM GMT REGISTER HERE Thomas Goreau is a highly educated biogeochemist and President and founder of The Global Coral Reef...

