Health and Well-being

Why You Need to Build Compersion in Your Relationships

Compersion is the experience of enjoying another’s positive experiences. In intimate relationships, compersion refers to the enjoyment of your partner’s erotic, sexual, or romantic encounters with...

Medical Experts Alarmed by Out-of-Hospital Cesareans in Florida

A new law in Florida allowing doctors to perform cesarean sections in outpatient birthing centers has raised serious safety concerns among medical experts,...

What Is Edging and How Can You Try It for More Intense Orgasms?

And physiologically speaking, edging can help ensure you’re as aroused as possible before you hit your orgasmic peak. “You’ve taken your time, you’ve...

A Steady Heart: A Cardiologist’s Advice for Lowering Stress

“Dr. Fisher, we need help. A woman was just rolled into the emergency room having runs of V-tach. She’s a healthy fifty-six-year-old woman...

Fighting Cancer and the Common Cold with Garlic 

Raw garlic is compared to roasted, stir-fried, simmered, and jarred garlic. Garlic lowers blood pressure, regulates cholesterol, and stimulates immunity....

